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Course Curriculum


    1. !IMPORTANT - The Tour Effect Card - IMPORTANT!

    2. Take It From a Student of Mine

    3. The Source of: Grip, Setup, Backswing

    4. Week 1: Golf's Basics

    5. Tour Effect Library

    6. The 8 Sources: Introduction

    7. The Source of Time

    8. The Source of Understanding

    9. Essential Element: Grip (Cinch It)

    10. Essential Element: 3 Tilt Stance

    11. Essential Element: Setup for Accuracy

    12. Essential Element: Backswing

    13. Essential Element: Slow Motion (Let Doing It Show You How To Do It)

    14. Essential Element: Playing Golf with the Easy Ball (What it take to change your NATURAL REACTION)

    15. Be a Successful Student: Set Aside What You Know

    16. Be a Successful Student: Be a Good Golf Detective

    17. Be a Successful Student: The Tour Effect Eliminates Your 4 Manor Problems

    18. Be a Successful Student: Step Inside the Shoes of the World's Greatest Players

    19. Be a Successful Student: The Perfect Golf Instructor

    20. Be a Successful Student: Arbitraries

    21. Be a Successful Student: Learning Correct Feel from Correct Mechanics

    22. Playing Golf: Anchor Your Spine

    23. Week 1 - Golf's Basics: Check Your Understanding

    24. Practical: Lesson One Drills

    1. Week 2: Chipping & Pitching

    2. Essential Elements: A Repeating Golf Swing - Golf's 7 Positions

    3. Be a Successful Student: Open Don't Close - Clubface Through Bottom of Swing

    4. Be a Successful Student: To Learn to Play Golf - Don't Play Golf

    5. Be a Successful Student: Golf's Levers & the Master Lever

    6. Be a Successful Student: A Great Approach to Learning

    7. Library: Dispelling Golf's Illusion

    8. Library: What the Tour Effect is Based On

    9. Library: The Key to Golf

    10. 10 Shots of Golf: Chipping & Pitching

    11. Playing Golf: How to Score Low

    12. Playing Golf: A Huge Short Game Key

    13. Week 2: Check Your Understanding

    14. Week Two Drills

    1. Driver: Swing Soft & Hit Hard

    2. Sources: The Surprising Source of Power

    3. The 8 Sources in Golf: Source of Difficulty

    4. Essential Elements: The Fire Drill

    5. Mental Game: Illusion of Golf

    6. Be a Successful Student: You're NOT Learning a Golf Swing

    7. Be a Successful Student: Street Walker Exercise

    8. Be a Successful Student: The Downswing Makes Successful Amateurs/The Forward Swing Makes Successful Professionals

    9. Be a Successful Student: What Happens When You Don't - Fire the Clubhead

    10. Playing Golf: Torque

    11. Playing Golf: Firing the Clubhead vs. Firing Your Hands

    12. Reliably Hitting Lon & Straight Drives - A Different Game

    13. Practical: Week 3 Drills

    14. Week 3: Check Your Understanding

    1. The 8 sources: The Source of Control

    2. The 8 Sources: 2 The Source of Motion

    3. Playing Golf: Familiarity

    4. Playing Golf: Extended Address Routine

    5. Playing Golf: A Great Way to Learn / Play Golf

    6. Be a Successful Student: Learn & Play Golf Intelligently

    7. Be a Successful Student: When You Hit a Golf Ball - There Should be No "How" just "What"

    8. Be a Successful Student: What You Need to Know to Play Great Golf is Very Finite

    9. Be a Successful Student: The Source of Your Problem is Earlier

    10. Be a Successful Student: The Typical Mistake

    11. Be a Successful Student: Hands are Fast - Body Slow

    12. Be a Successful Student: The Street Walker Exercise

    13. Be a Successful Student: Your Greatest Enemy

    14. Be a Successful Student: Learn Correct Feel from Correct Mechanics

    15. The Mental Game: Swing the Clubhead Back-Up-Down-Forward

    16. Week 4: Check Your Understanding

    17. Week 4 Drills

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 141 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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